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Bringing characters who are good at blocking, characters who are good at dodging, and characters who can break through each of these defense styles, in turn, can make a big difference, since some enemy groups will be very hard to hit without accurate characters or very hard to damage without anti-armor characters and no character can be good at everything. That said, there’s a rock-paper-scissors-esque gear system that rewards you for coordinating your team composition. Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES Pit People Free Download Unfitgirl That became an enjoyable tactical layer all its own, though at times I felt like the lack of reaction attacks or any other way to control or limit my enemies’ movement made things a bit too hectic and unpredictable.

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It seemed like oversimplifying my decision-making at first, but I eventually warmed up to it and I found I was basing my formations on giving my squad the least amount of rope with which to hang themselves. An unusual element of chaos comes into play.Thus, an unusual element of chaos comes into play.

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Each turn, you give a movement order that has to be followed to the letter – but targets for attacks and healing spells are decided semi-randomly by the characters based on where they land and what’s around them. There’s a bit of an interesting catch, though, in that you don’t have absolute control over how your fighters behave.

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Pit People Free Download Unfitgirl The turn-based combat system is populated by all the usual suspects: beefy melee tanks, agile rogues, long-ranged archers, and damage-dishing mages.

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